Time well wasted

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Do not go gentle into that good night
Too long in between postings means I've actually had work to do at work. Kinda sucky. My car was ramped. That was fun. I'll post pictures of it later, I've got to have some fun with them first. I bought a new car, but it's not really exciting enough to post pictures, so I'll go with one of the library I took a while back on a night with a full moon.

posted by Brian @ 1:37 PM   4 comments
Monday, May 14, 2007
I spent the weekend in lovely Monett, MO. Where there is absolutely nothing to do. Luckily I decided to take my laptop and spent my Saturday evening playing with photoshop. I had seen some pictures on flickr that had been made to look "antique" and so I decided I should give it a try. So this is my first attempt at "antiquing."
(click on the picture to enlarge to get the full effect)
posted by Brian @ 8:06 AM   3 comments
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
One moment
My favorite pictures are the ones that are perishable, because then you can look back and remember the exact moment. A picture of a place is cool, but you can always go back and take the exact same picture. But good moments can't be recreated. And that is one of the reasons why this is my favorite picture I've ever taken. I had no idea it was going to be a good picture, that everyone was just going to be chilling at the same time, that for the minute it took no one waked by on the beach, and that the sun would be setting just enough to wash out the right side of the picture. I wish any of those things were on purpose, but it was luck, and I'm ok with that. The Florida trip is probably my favorite week of the year and I'm glad I've got the pictures that can always take me back.

posted by Brian @ 3:26 PM   1 comments
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
I think I've only woken up once early enough and for the sole reason of seeing the sun rise. It's cold, and dark, and it takes a lot longer than you expect. And when you're at the beach with a camera you really hope it rises over the beach or ocean, not behind it. But thats what it did and it was still fun. I can't wait to go back to Florida, it gets better every year.

posted by Brian @ 10:16 AM   2 comments
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