Time well wasted

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
For me this is heaven
I tend to joke about everything. If you know me, you probably know this. I got it from my dad and like him, half the time it's only funny to me. I've always found it hard to be a serious person unless there is an absolute need to be. So when joking goes serious it's always a bit odd. Last night I was on the phone with my mom and just in passing she mentioned that they put me as beneficiary on my dad's new truck. Being the not serious person I am I proceeded to make jokes about the fact that if I die they get a nice car, and if they die all I get is a crappy truck (sure it's nice, but what the heck am I going to do with a truck?). We stayed on the subject probably a bit too long for comfort. It was just a little odd having a conversation about death with my mother. If I had thought about it I'd have just let it slide but there we were discussing our ultimate end. It's one thing to think about but another to actually discuss. I ended the subject by saying I really hoped the truck died before they did.

I took this a week or so ago from the Hillcrest towers across the street from my house. It was a very foggy morning and I actually had to wait a while before I could actually see Old Main. It reminded me of what I thought heaven looked like as a kid - buildings in the sky up with the clouds.
posted by Brian @ 12:02 PM  
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