Time well wasted

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Kids these days
I teach a freshman seminar and last week I showed up a little late to class and my class, being the quintessential freshman that they are, left. So I assigned them a paragraph on their strengthsquest index (it's a type of personality test) I asked them to write a paragraph on what strength(s) they used to decide to leave class, and I got a couple funny responses that I just had to post.

"On Thursday, I used my strength of strategery. I was able to do this on a more personal level. I had made a plan for myself including all of the things that I had to do for that day. I had kept to the schedule, executed my plan of attack for the daily tasks. As an Army ROTC cadet, I am exposed to many ways of planning and executing actions, I did that. The plan was to go to class, then go and take my math test. I adapted to my situation, found an alternate route and took the path of least resistance. My course of action resulted in being the best choice for myself; I had a very bad ankle injury and I happen to be wearing my ACU's on Thursday because I had ROTC lab and I did not think I would have enough time to change later in the day, because I was able to walk around a little more going to my math class, I realized that my combat boots were not the best choice in shoes. When I missed class and took my test early, it allowed me enough time to get back to my room and contact MSG Mcneill, tell him my situation and he allowed me to wear my civilian clothes. I ended up using two of my strengths on Thursday, strategery and adaptability."

I don't know if she used the word "strategery" on purpose or not. It's honestly really funny either way.

"One of my stengths is that I am dicaplined. Rather than spend my time sitting in the hall way, I thought it would be smarter to go to my room and get started on my homework for my other classes. Because I have this strenghth I was able to catch up on my homework rather then waste my time sitting in the hallway talking to people.
I'm glad your not mad that I used my time more wisely. :)"

Apparently not dicaplined enough to use spell check. I love these guys!

"Thursday morning when I decided to leave class my strengths of Harmony and Restorative came into play. No one was going to leave class until another girl and me brought up the idea. My Harmony strength caused me to ensure that everybody in the class was in agreement that we should leave and sign a sheet to prove we were there. My Restorative strength was the part of me that helped me decide that leaving was the best possible solution to the situation that we were in. My Achiever and Learner strengths were put on hold that morning while Harmony and Restorative took over. But overall, my leaving class is due to my problem/situation solving that my Restorative strength represents. Sorry, about missing you Thursday morning."

My favorite so far!

Either she's explaining physics, or showing off her Jacob Skinner pose.
posted by Brian @ 2:02 PM  
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